Dulverton Gardening Club

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Shows 2021

Dulverton Flower and Produce Show 2021

We gardeners are an optimistic lot and it was with high expectations that the Dulverton Gardening Club Committee and excellent team of helpers set up the tables and arranged the furniture in the Town Hall the day before the Flower and Produce Show, this year sponsored by the local business, Exmoor Distillery. Our hopes were justified, as 35 entrants brought in total some 240 entries to the waiting tables early on Saturday morning. Our experienced judges had a hard job selecting the best entries in each section. It seems that many of us have used our enforced time at home to grow, cook, create imaginatively and photograph more than ever. It was very pleasing to see new participants entering the Show for the first time this year and obviously enjoying the experience.

After a delicious lunch for Committee and Judges the doors were opened to wel-come visitors to the Show. A steady stream passed through the Lower Town Hall in a one way system, designed to limit numbers at any one time. Everyone was happy to wait a few minutes if necessary, and the raffle ticket sales at the door mounted up.

A very happy atmosphere prevailed in the Main Hall, as visitors examined the entries and friends caught up with news after so long. The Cafe area was busy and as always, the tea, coffee and home made cake were very popular. At about 4 o’clock, Christine Dubery, Chair of the Gardening Club, welcomed Nicola Smith, from the Exmoor Distillery, who presented the cups and trophies. Then, Peter Huntley, the auctioneer, with his customary expertise auctioned the trays of mixed produce, the speciality cakes and the lovely flowers.
So, as the table cloths were rolled up for another year, there was a feeling of sat-isfaction with another successful Show.

The Gardening Club is a very active and lively society, arranging diverse and en-tertaining speakers for its monthly gatherings - at which we are always de-lighted to welcome new members. In particular, coming in the autumn, the re-turn visit of Nick Bailey (of Gardeners’ World fame) in November. He will be talking about “365 Days of Colour in Your Garden” This is not to be missed - so save the date - Thursday November 18th, Dulverton Town Hall.
Dulverton Gardening Club
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